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Membran av kortikal ben: Lamina fra OsteoBiol
Lamina, den unike kortikale membranen fra OsteoBiol, brukes ved alt fra mindre periodefekter til store vertikale og horisontale oppbygninger. Bli med på dette spennende kurset og lær hvordan du kan bruke dette fantastiske biomaterialet i din kliniske hverdag.
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The Bone Lamina: from periodontal regeneration to horizontal and vertical bone augmentation – a Quintessencial Webinar
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Prof. Dr. Hannes Wachtel
The Multilayer Technique
Professor Hannes Wachtel received his dental degree in 1982 from the University of Tübingen. He attended a postgraduate program in Prosthodontics at the University of Southern California. He also obtained specialty training in periodontology followed by PhD at the free University of Berlin. Subsequently he was promoted to associate professor in Periodontology. Currently, he is holding a clinical professorship at Medicine Charité, Berlin as well as at the University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy. He is a member of various dental organizations including an active membership at the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). He frequently lectures nationally and internationally on implantology, periodontology and esthetic dentistry. He is the author of more than 100 scientific articles and has published numerous chapters in textbooks. Since 1994 he has maintained a private dental clinic in Munich, with Wolfgang Bolz and founded the IPI – Institute for Periodontology and Implantolo.
Dr. Gerd Körner
Evolution of Periodontal Regeneration as the basis of comprehensive dentistry
1970 – 1975 studying dental medicine in Münster WWU 1977 – 1980 staff member of Perio Department University of Münster 1980 – 1981 div. stayings abroad 1981 private office in Bielefeld main focus on periodontics 1983 promoted to specialist for periodontics since 1990 lecturing for different dental institutes in the field of periodontics and implantology worldwide 1996 published text book „ Art oral “ since 1997 board member of different clinical journals, „Implantologie“, „Team work“, etc. 1999 promoted to specialist for Implantology / BDIZ 2002 rewarded as visiting professor at Mahidol- University / Bangkok, Thailand since 2007 faculty member of the German Society of Periodontology for “ Master of Science in Periodontology ” Main topics: • Plastic periodontal surgery • soft and hard tissue management around implants • esthetics in perio- prosthodontics • esthetics and implants • minimal invasive restorative and surgical techniques.
Dr. Arndt Happe
The modified shell-technique (Khoury technique) for vertical bone augmentation
Dr. Arndt Happe graduated from the University of Münster, Germany as a Doc-tor for Dental Medicine in 1994. He spent 3 years as a resident for Professor Dr. Fouad Khoury at the private Clinic for Implantology and Esthetic Dentistry in Olsberg and graduated for Oral Surgery in 1999. Since 1999 he established a renown Private & Referral Practice in Münster, treating Implant, Perio, Restorative and Esthetic Cases. Advanced degree in Implantology (2000) and Periodontology (2004) from the German Societies for Implantology and Periodontology respectively. Since 2010 he is a research fellow and external lecturer at the University of Co-logne and in 2013 received his postdoctoral lecture Qualification and presently holds an Assistant Professorship from the same University. 2018 Publication of the Textbook “Techniques for Success with Implants in the Esthetic Zone” at Quintessence.