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Bli med på «MASTER COURSE ELASTODONTICS» i Iserna i Italia fra 29. til 30. august, med FIlippo Cardarelli som kursholder.

Informasjon og påmelding

Filippo Cardarelli, DDS, PhD dr. odont. og spesialist i kjeveortopedi

Dr. Cardarelli har mange års erfaring i bruk av Elastodontic Therapy. Han foreleser internasjonalt i bruk av bio-aktivatorer og estetikk.

Graduated with honors in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics. Specialized with Honors in Orthodontics at the University of Milan. Subject lecturer in Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Milan. Author of publications in national and international journals. He holds courses and conferences where he presents his working method. Author of a new orthodontic technique in developmental age: Elastodontic Therapy. Freelancer in Isernia, Florence and Bologna and Milan, Chiasso (CH), deals exclusively with orthodontics and aesthetic dentistry, collaborates with specialists in other disciplines to solve particularly complex cases. He collaborates with Dr. Lorenzo Vanini to solve particularly complex orthodontic cases to be treated with Elastodontic Therapy.

Ta kontakt med Anette Belstad Arntsen på aba@technomedics.no ved spørsmål om kurset.